Allows the user to configure the number of characters in each line of a text area, screen, file or device; may set the number of screen lines as well
Implemented by: cbmv7, colorenh, BBC, GWBASIC, MSX, bwbasic, ABasiC, VBDOS, FreeBASIC
With variations: bw32, QBasic (also with LPRINT), ugBASIC (alias for SCREEN WIDTH)
Also written as:
WIDTH arguments are not exactly a standard.
A number after the desired number of characters (text columns, as some say) has different meanings:
- In MS Amiga BASIC, sets the number of characters among tab stops.
- In msqb, if the first argument was not a device/file handler, it sets the number of desired lines on the screen: for the PC, it could be 25, 30, 43, 50 or 60.
WIDTH 62,3