Read into memory a program from the filesystem or storage device
Implemented by: a2int, Applesoft, CBM, Atari, msatari, trsdisk, colordisk, Sinclair, Atom, BBC, GWBASIC, MSX, bwbasic, bw32, ABasiC, VBDOS, minibasicjs, EndBASIC
With variations: ti994ext (the name of an auto-executable program at power-up, which affects RANDOMIZE; through CALL loads a subprogram), level3 (also the LOAD? variation), ugBASIC (also with subcommands IMAGE, IMAGES, MUSIC, SEQUENCE, TILE and TILES)
Also written as:
Applesoft BASIC used LOAD both for cassette- and disk-stored programs; other platforms would often use CLOAD for tape storage.