Loads into a buffer the contents of a disk sector
Implemented by: colordisk, msxdisk
With variations:
Also written as:
In MSX BASIC, the keyword was implemented by the MSX DiskBASIC extension. DSKI$ takes two arguments:
- a number from 0 to 6 which identifies the logical or physical disk drive, being 0 the current drive, 1 for drive A:, 2 for drive B: and so on;
- the 512-byte sector number to be read. For a 360KB (80-track, single-sided) disk, it would be in the range 0-719; for a 720kB (80-track, double-sided) disk, a value from 0 to 1439.
Apparently, the function would not return the contents to a regular string variable, but to a buffer region in memory where it could be accessed with PEEK.
DSKI$ is evidently an acronym for "DiSK Input".