ugBASIC is a modern, open-source, active (as of March 2023) BASIC cross-compiler able to generate machine code for multiple computers built around the Motorola 6809, Zilog Z80 and MOS 6502 8-bit processors which were popular both in the USA and European markets in the 1980s and 1990s. By March 2023, the following machines were listed as supported targets, along with their mnemonics used with the compilers:
Not all of its features work on every machine, but it takes a self-declared (but not that clear) isomorphic approach to implement a uniform, old-school BASIC dialect specially oriented to games programming.
For 32-bit versions, binaries are not available for download as of March 2023, and the user has to get the sources from ugBASIC's GitHub repository.
The command-line compiler is invoked from the command line as ugbc.
followed by the target platform mnemonic. Its arguments are an ASCII source file, -o
and the binary output file, such as in:
ugcb.msx1 source.bas -o myprog.rom
Each platform has a specific output format — cartridge ROM image for the msx1 per the example.
Users of MS-Windows 7 onwards have an IDE available for download at (last check 2023-04-01). From the screenshots, as an IDE it is pretty much a text editor, but it alleviates the burden of downloading and installation of the different assemblers and linkers required for the target platforms: CC65, asm6809 and z88dk.