:msx:msxdisk ====== MSX DiskBASIC ====== {{tag>msxdisk}} == Keywords == **{{backlinks>.#keywords}}** The disk support BASIC extension for MSX BASIC, usually bundled as firmware for disk drive cartridges. ===== Where it is/was used ===== /* TO DO: Machines and emulators which ran this BASIC. */ ===== Noteworthy characteristics ===== /* TO DO: a list or prose text about this BASIC's features, quirks, Easter eggs, tricks, singularities... */ ===== Environment and usage ===== /* TO DO: notes about the REPL or IDE used, keyboard shortcuts and commands, command-line options for compiling and linking, environment variables which might be set... */ ===== Extensions ===== /* TO DO: Famous libraries tools and extension packages made for this BASIC */ ===== Curiosities ===== /* TO DO: Historical notes, anecdotes, what people said about it */ ===== Related to... ===== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]** - TO DO: a brief description of the relation they have with this one */ ==== Influenced by ==== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]** - TO DO: which are the noticeable or assumed influences */ ==== Influence for ==== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]*** - TO DO: which are the noticeable or assumed influences */ ===== Versions and successors ===== /* No much need of prose here, just links. Notice the different patterns to create the links: * **[[basics:msx:versionTagName|versionTitle]]** - for versions (created under this page) * **[[successorTagName|successorTitle]]** - for a successor (created as sibling of this page) */ ===== References ===== /* If the ((citation)) syntax was used elsewhere, they will be listed below this section. You can prepend this with a list of books, magazines and web pages with information used in this page */ /* ===== Page tags ===== Follow the example below. Some tags might be useful for a to-be-implemented search mechanism. Separate tags with spaces, use quotes for a multiple-word tag {{tag>Compilers Microsoft Windows Linux}} */ {{tag>Extension Interpreter MSX Microsoft}}