cbm ====== Commodore BASIC ====== {{tag>cbm}} == Keywords == **{{backlinks>.#keywords}}** The BASIC used in the famous 8-bit Commodore machines such as PET, VIC-20, C64, 16, Plus/4 and C128. Originally, it was pretty much the Microsoft port of its [[:basics:ms80basic|BASIC-80]] for the 6502 processor, later improved by Commodore developers into a number of versions with some meaningful differences. None of them however was nearly as popular as the rather crude one known as **V2**, which is the baseline to what this site refers to as "Commodore BASIC". ===== Where it is/was used ===== * PET * VIC-20 * Commodore 64/64c * Commodore C128 * Commodore C16 * Commodore Plus/4 ===== Noteworthy characteristics ===== /* TO DO: a list or prose text about this BASIC's features, quirks, Easter eggs, tricks, singularities... */ ===== Environment and usage ===== /* TO DO: notes about the REPL or IDE used, keyboard shortcuts and commands, command-line options for compiling and linking, environment variables which might be set... */ ===== Extensions ===== /* TO DO: Famous libraries tools and extension packages made for this BASIC */ * [[.:cbm:Simons1|Simons BASIC]] ===== Curiosities ===== /* TO DO: Historical notes, anecdotes, what people said about it */ ===== Related to... ===== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]** - TO DO: a brief description of the relation they have with this one */ ==== Influenced by ==== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]** - TO DO: which are the noticeable or assumed influences */ ==== Influence for ==== /* * **[[basicTagName|basicTitle]]*** - TO DO: which are the noticeable or assumed influences */ ===== Versions and successors ===== Commodore's numbering scheme for the versions of its BASIC was, well, awkward. It does not follow the chronological order of releases as told by Wikipedia, here simplified: * After V1 for the PET 2001 with calculator keyboard, came the first release of V2 for the newer PET 2001 * **[[~:cbmv4|Commodore BASIC V4]]** was launched with the PET/CBM 4000 and 8000 series * Then V2 had its second release with the VIC-20, and would later be used with the C64 as well * **[[~:cbmv4plus|Commodore BASIC V4+]]** was then released with the CBM-II machines * **[[~cbmv3.5|Commodore BASIC V3.5]]** came with the C16 and Plus/4 machines * **[[~cbmv7|Commodore BASIC V7]]** was the last released version with the C128 * **[[https://github.com/mist64/cbmbasic|cbmbasic]]** is an open-source, portable C version of Commodore BASIC V2 which claims to be 100% compatible and has been tested on MacOS X, Linux and Windows NT. ===== References ===== /* If the ((citation)) syntax was used elsewhere, they will be listed below this section. You can prepend this with a list of books, magazines and web pages with information used in this page */ * https://www.c64-wiki.com/wiki/Main_Page - the C64-Wiki * //Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference Guide//. Commodore Business Machines, Inc., 1982. Available at https://archive.org/details/commodore-64-programmers-reference-guide_202205 , last check 2023-03-08 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_BASIC , last check 2023-03-08 /* ===== Page tags ===== Follow the example below. Some tags might be useful for a to-be-implemented search mechanism. Separate tags with spaces, use quotes for a multiple-word tag {{tag>Compilers Microsoft Windows Linux}} */ {{tag>Interpreters linenumbered Commodore}}